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I was sort of blind until 6th grade – and nobody knew it.  This sounds crazy, but it explains a lot of my own experiences and how I’ve approached my own education.  My last name started with a “W” so, in most of my classroom experiences I was seated near the back of the classroom, sometimes THE back of the classroom.  We were a small school and so I had the same teacher for math, science and for history.  In this teacher’s class, a student named David sat in front of me in almost all my classes, from the 2nd grade through the 6th grade.  I could never, ever see the chalkboard.  I was constantly asking people around me what the teacher was writing on the board.  Daily, I would borrow David’s glasses and scribble down as many notes as  I could before the teacher erased them and moved on to the next topic.  To say I was lost was an understatement.  I was labeled a “problem” student and didn’t get very good grades.  “Talkative” was written on every report card and progress report.  Nobody bothered to ask me WHAT I was talking about, to find out WHY I was talking.  The one exception was in my English classroom in 4th through 6th grade, where Mr. T made me sit in the front.  I suspect he did so because I was the talkative kid.  What happened, however, was that this was the only class I could actually SEE what was happening on the board and was so engaged that, English became my best subject – and later, my favorite, because I actually was learning something, anything.   Everyone else had written me off as a student who didn’t care, but not Mr. T.  Perhaps he knew there was something more going on, but because I felt like he believed in me, allowed me to start believing in myself (and Mr. T telling my mom I needed glasses helped!). Nobody else had taken the time to really ‘see’ me, but Mr. T did, and this allowed me to see myself differently as well.

Word Count: 350

Sample UC Prompt: Describe a challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge.  How has this challenge affected your academic achievement.

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